sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Evolution of Atomic Model

1803, 1808 (English man)                                                 
John Dalton: "Bring back the atom: a solid sphere"

  • All matter is made of atoms
  • Each element has: 
    • own type of atoms 
    • predictable ratios.
1897 (English man)
Joseph John Thomson’s Model
The atom has random negative and positive charges, but stays neutral. Keeps together and there are negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus.
His experiment: the plum-pudding;  electrons acted as the plums and got stick on the pudding- nucleus. 

1911 (New Zealand)
Rutherford: "Atoms have a center"
  • Discovers the nucleus of the atom

Niels Bohr: Puts electrons into orbit
  • Electrons:
    • move in well-defined orbits
    • can jump to different orbits to emit or absorb energy
  • Almost all of the atom is empty space
1919 (U.S)
G.N. Lewis & Irving Langmuir
  • Atoms form bonds by sharing electrons
Smaller particles discovered
  • Protons and neutrons are made of even smaller particles: quarks

Tunneling to the Atom Level
  • Scanning tunneling microscopes (STMs)
    • scientists interact with matter at an atomic level
    • get accurate pictures

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Daily used ingredient: Glycerin

It's just amazing the amount of products I found in a matter of minutes when I approached my bathroom and searched between my daily and regularly used stuff that contained Glycerin.
However, to my surprise, this liquid, colorless, sweet, oily, odorless, trihidroxy (tri: three; hidroxy: hydroxyl; "three hydroxyl groups") alcohol, acts as a solvent which prevents the product in within to dry. Taking into consideration that products examples vary in between: an Olive Oil Shampoo, chocolate-butter cream, toothpaste and styling hair creams, it was easy to notice a relationship, it was a moisturizer. In fact, glycerin besides keeping the product from drying/ spoiling, it works the same way with skin, it helps avoid dryness and adds moist. During water loss from our bodies, glycerin plays an important role trying to regulate water levels and prevent the formation of wrinkles. This highly humectant agent is also a food sweetener.  

In this pie chart it's easy for you to notice that glycerin isn't only found in cosmetics and food but it reaches pharmaceutical purposes. Luckily, it occurs in great amounts naturally in plant, animal and human cells. As well as through other bias such as carbohydrate fermentation. It is a molecule also known as glycerol with a relative mass of 92 and  formula C3H5(OH)3. 
This thick, water-soluble and non-toxic liquid we call glycerin(e)/glycerol, enhances the good look and health of skin structure. 
Lets not forget glycerin benefits and use it when it's most required. This is during winter season, when cold and heated climate changes in and out of close spaces keep humidity levels low. It's recommended to apply moisturizers rich in glycerin and other natural products after a shower when skin is still damp. 

Columbus. 2002 http://soaperschoice.com/soapoils/glycerin.html

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Chemistry everywhere? Prove it!

Our daily lives.
Where were you when you woke up this morning?
Lets say, in your bedroom.
Chemicals are found in perfumes, deodorants, creams, clock's batteries, nail polish, make-up, etc. Got one of those?  What did you visit next? Let me guess, restroom!  Its got perfumed, soft toilet paper?  Chemicals! In the bathroom: soap, shampoo, conditioner. No doubt! What about the kitchen? Food and food additives, oil, sugar, electric stove, aluminium cans, vitamins, refrigerator, plastics, salt, microwave, between others. After you eat, digestion occurs, a chemical process. Watching TV? TV screens, indeed, every electronic device. At school, office, hospital, restaurant? Ink, printers, glue, cleaning products, medicine, building materials, paint, an innumerable amount of chemical products.
As easy as, water, which is made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules with specific characteristics.
In fact, the structure and properties of any compound are determined by the atoms and chemical bonds that hold them together.
Likewise, a series of chemical reactions are necessary for all living things. For example: respiration and photosynthesis.
Lets not to forget about technology! Chemical reactions take place during cars' gasoline combustion in order to make them able to work and silicon chips used in many modern products require ultraviolet light to be created.
Summarizing, nowadays millions of chemicals are known and they are present every single day of our lives either in a natural or synthetic form.

Going back to where we were, after a long day, are you finally ready to sleep? Who are you dreaming with?
Are you in LOVE or actually just suffering from a set of chemical reactions? Guess we are all part of everywhere, part of CHEMISTRY.

A branch of science

As rational beings, science enables us to develop such behavior by obtaining and organizing information to apply knowledge in our lives.

Ask yourself.
What am I surrounded by?
Wait a minute!  
What am I in the first place?
Do my surroundings and myself have something in common?

Think about it…

What can be possibly found everywhere? 

Get to know characteristics and compositions of ALL materials through this amazing branch of science and any of the reactions they can possibly undergo.